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2021年12月23日 19:14:5013

不同的國家和民族,由于不同的歷史,文化,宗教等因素,各有特殊的風俗習慣和禮節(jié)。例如,伊斯蘭教徒不吃豬肉,在齋月里日出之后,日落之前不能吃喝;有些佛教徒不吃葷;印度教徒不吃牛肉;某些國家如印度,印尼,馬里,阿拉伯國家等,不能用左手與他人接觸或用左手傳遞東西;在佛教國家不能隨便摸小孩頭頂;天主教徒忌諱十三這個數(shù)字。尤其是十三日星期五,遇上這種日子,一般不舉行宴請活動;使用筷子進食的東方國家,用餐時不可用一雙筷子來回傳遞,也不能把筷子插在飯碗中間;東南亞一些國家忌諱坐著蹺大腿;伊朗稱好不伸大拇指;保加利亞、尼泊爾等一些國家搖頭表示稱贊,點頭表示不同意,等等。阿拉伯國家婦女比較守舊,到人家家里作客不要問女主人身體如何;對日本人送禮要注意花式,綠色被視為不吉祥,荷花是祭奠用的,禮品上不要有狐貍的圖案,因為這種動物狡猾,貪婪。不要把菜湯和飯拌在一起吃,因為這是喂貓的方式。在婚禮上忌用離開、重復、多次等字眼,在喜慶場合忌用去、舊、壞了、完了等字眼。若不注意這些風俗,會使人誤認為對他們不尊重或鬧出笑話。新到一個國家或初次參加活動,應多了解,多觀察,不懂或不會做的事,可仿效別人。 Different countries and peoples, as various historical, cultural and religious factors have special customs and courtesy. For example, Muslims do not eat pork, in Ramadan after sunrise, sunset before meals can; Some Buddhists not everybody eats meat; Hindus do not eat beef; Certain countries, such as India, Indonesia, Mali, the Arab states, can not use the left hand with other people or things left transmission; In Buddhist countries not to be confused child's head; Catholics taboo 13 this figure. Especially on the 13th Friday, the days to come, not normally held banquets; Using chopsticks to eat Oriental country, meals must not return with a pair of chopsticks transmission, could not chopsticks inserted in the middle jobs; In some Southeast Asian countries, the WHO taboo sitting thigh; Iran asserts brightening sun thumbs; Bulgaria, Some countries, such as Nepal praised shook his head, nodded do not agree, and so on. Arab women were relatively conservative state, home to people not to ask a guest how good hostess; Japanese right gifts to the attention of Heineken, green is deemed as not auspicious, the lotus is awakened to use, gifts do not have to hide the logo, which animal cunning and greed. Not to mix soup and rice to eat together, because this is the cat. The wedding Jiyong leave, repeat the word several times, the happy occasions Jiyong, and the old, bad, the end of the word. If attention to these customs, people would mistakenly believe that they do not respect or become a farce. Move to a new country or participate in the initial activities, learn more about, observe, understand or will not do, others may follow suit.